Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A glimpse

the best present i gave myself today for my birthday is a cleaner more organized house. and i caught up on a few extra things i have been wanting to do.

i got some new rings on etsy (designbyjen.etsy.com)

made some mint tea in my new dispenser

cleaned cleaned cleaned

the kitty slept slept slept and enjoyed the fresh cool air

thrifted a few new house additions
(like this lovely mirror)


Casey and/or Julianna said...

Happy birthday! I hope you and Clinton were able to enjoy a proper celebration.
By the way, gorgeous jewelry you've got there! Really like your aesthetic.

Jenni Jones said...

thank you for checking out my pieces. they have been slow to come about lately, i am not sure where the days go! i hope you two are well, we look forward to seeing you!