Wednesday, September 17, 2008

a new love

Over the weekend I made the most lovely discovery...the world of polymer clay. at first my interest was out of necessity, and now it has become an addiction. We will be teaching a class on this crazy clay, so I was in charge of testing it out. At first I was reminded of Carol Duval, anyone without a 9-5 and a lot of free time on their crafty hands will know exactly who I am speaking of. Carol is the queen of sweet eyed little polymer clay creatures of all sorts, to the point of making me cringe. Don't get me wrong I was a devoted viewer while I maintained my evening restaurant job, but the clay people, cats, whatever just gave me cutesie rage! So to my delight I am learning the amazing world of polymer clay is more than these things. I have posted a few images of my dabbling.

I hope to create some more flawless flowers
for etsy ( in the near future.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A glimpse

the best present i gave myself today for my birthday is a cleaner more organized house. and i caught up on a few extra things i have been wanting to do.

i got some new rings on etsy (

made some mint tea in my new dispenser

cleaned cleaned cleaned

the kitty slept slept slept and enjoyed the fresh cool air

thrifted a few new house additions
(like this lovely mirror)

My Sugars 1st Show

This weekend has been a whirlwind! Clinton's first show was Saturday, he has been working for months to prepare and it was amazing. All his hard work paid off and we had the most lovely time with our friends and family!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Silver Spoons...Cats In Cradles

Little boy blue, and the man on the moon...and a couple more pieces for etsy which are difficult to part with