Monday, September 21, 2009

buttons buttons buttons

Buttons, i admire them in jars, cigar boxes, on jackets and coats, on delicate sweaters that ward off the chill. I cannot wait to continue this line of button jewelry that i have just begun. The clothes I love most are always simple and somewhat plain. I love the way this button necklace adds a little touch of color and a lot of fun to any plain outfit. I am working on necklaces, and rings right now, with hopes of watches and bracelets sometime.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

New on Etsy

A few new items are coming to Etsy or have arrived

Saturday, September 12, 2009

birthday loot

This year we celebrated my birthday on Ocracoke Island, the one day the weather was perfect. I am so thankful the one perfect day at the beach was on my special day. Clinton got me a cheesecake with these neon candles at a market in the village. Before we left Mom gave me Birthday money, I got some beads, found a little thrift shop, and we had Thai for dinner. I loooove drunken noodles. Also before we left Clinton found me this gem at an Antique store. I didn't want a picture by itself so I included its contents.

*little wallet & journal (birthday finds)
*silver case (business cards)
*never leave home without (Rosebud salve, sharpie)
*brown container (vintage beads that were a present for myself)