Saturday, September 12, 2009

birthday loot

This year we celebrated my birthday on Ocracoke Island, the one day the weather was perfect. I am so thankful the one perfect day at the beach was on my special day. Clinton got me a cheesecake with these neon candles at a market in the village. Before we left Mom gave me Birthday money, I got some beads, found a little thrift shop, and we had Thai for dinner. I loooove drunken noodles. Also before we left Clinton found me this gem at an Antique store. I didn't want a picture by itself so I included its contents.

*little wallet & journal (birthday finds)
*silver case (business cards)
*never leave home without (Rosebud salve, sharpie)
*brown container (vintage beads that were a present for myself)

1 comment:

Laura Mae said...

oh great! it sounds like you all had a great time!